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Old January 14th, 2010, 02:43 PM
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Default Re: Jomon, Broken Swords v0.8 RELEASED

Originally Posted by Sombre
No, thank you for playing the mod and giving feedback :]

If I were to update Jomon Broken, what should I add? I wanted to get some nine tailed foxes in there, but I think perhaps I should just do a nine tailed fox pretender instead.

Are there any j-horror tropes that I haven't got in yet?
Further play indicated that Misfortune-2 was definitely a mistake.

I made a mistake by getting into a two-front war with Ulm & Bogarus. Then, the Bogarus Cyclops pretender smashed my main army into splinters. The same turn, barbarian hordes snatched two of my provinces. Bleah....

So I'm restarting with a sleeping Green Dragon. N9 magic, Order-3, Growth-3, Misfortune-1, Drain-2, dominion 6. Nature is one of the biggest holes in Jomon Broken's magical arsenal, so I'm looking to fill it with my pretender. Berserking, regenerating Sheathless Ones are just an added benefit.

For suggestions ... I'm a bit stumped. One of the reasons that I overlooked Jomon Broken for so long is that I'm not into Japanese horror. I just don't know much about it. So I'm not a good guy to ask for suggestions.

EDIT: So I looked up J-Horror on Wikipedia. Not a lot of detail, so I followed a few of the links to read about some J-Horror films.

Wow. There's some nasty stuff for you to consider. Lots of gore, mutilation, and sadistic stuff. Wow. Um, wow. Borderline NSFW, so be warned....


I do have one observation, which is that the descriptions for the Dog Samurai (and other halfbreeds) claim that:
All halfbreeds can cover long distances without tiring.
And they all get mapmove 3, which was probably your point. Unfortunately, the Dog Samurai are saddled with the nasty Heavy Samurai Armor, which gives them high encumbrance. So these halfbreeds which can cover as much terrain as an untiring Undead also tire out in many battles. Perhaps their base encumbrance could be dropped to 2 or even 1?
More Trollz mod for Dom3

Last edited by SlipperyJim; January 14th, 2010 at 03:04 PM..
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