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Old January 15th, 2010, 10:52 AM

Sir_Dr_D Sir_Dr_D is offline
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Default Re: Erfworld web comic

Originally Posted by Sombre View Post
I don't think Erfworld is very similar to Dom3. Dom3 has simultaneous turns and many other major differences. Erfworld is clearly influenced by tabletop hex games and primarily by stuff like the Warlords series, heroes of might and magic etc.
On the surface dominion rules seem completely different, and no doubt there are games out there that closer model the rules of erfworld. But I find that the depth, complexity, unpredictability, and style of thinking involved are simalr to dominions. Then there is the fact that the outcome of battles is influenced largely by magic , reliance on SC's , and a similarity in magic item use. I found that my dominions experience allowed me to relate to Parson more. Trying to figure out a set of tactics to defeat the enemy, while trying to guess the tactics that the enemy will be using and preparing counters for them is similar to both. Also you can never be sure of the outcome of a battle. No matter how strong your position, the enemy could come up with some tactic that destroys your attacking army. The thinking involved in finding rules expoits is also the same. A lot of the time I found erfworld similar to living a dominions game. ( from a strategy sense not a rules sense) Playing dominions would be a good training tool for being an erfworld warlord.
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