Thread: Map molecule
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Old January 15th, 2010, 01:26 PM
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Default Re: molecule

Originally Posted by Burnsaber View Post
Originally Posted by Digress View Post
Where is an organic chemist when you need one ?

Actually, looking at the picture in detail, I spot many inaccuracies. Many hydrogens are left out (why draw two hydrogens on the benzene-circle? Either you draw them all of them or leave them out). The top-most and most shiny carbon is missing two hydrogen! It might be a case of a double bonding with the carbons below and next to it, but there is nothing on the graphical representation of the bond in question to show this.

I'm sorry Swan, but apparently this random image on the net made to look like a molecyle is somewhat chemically inaccurate. One might even come to the conclusion that the artist hasn't studied chemistry (*GASP!*).

Yes, I'm shocked too.

I took the liberty of adding the missing hydrogen-atoms to the picture. I didn't do anything about the misrepresented molecylar bonds in the benzene circle, thought.

As for naming them, I'd say whatever goes. The real chemical name for the atoms would be pretty boring. Conquering "Carbon 1" wouldn't really bring out that epic feel that Dominions is famous for.
Bah, not even google can be trusted these days
btw, give me 5-6 years and i'll be a chemist and i will be able to comment this
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Please, do not pretend me to draw, the one-eyed, armless, drunken monkey who is teaching me to draw says i will never be able to.

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