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Old January 16th, 2010, 04:30 PM
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Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Default Re: Why isn't there an online purchase?

Isnt Paradox more of an advertising and shelfware company? Just having a game in GamersGate isnt going to create many new sales by itself. And if GamersGate involves "good faith" payments to join then thats probably why it wouldnt fit Shrapnels way of doing things. Shrapnel was started by a game developer specifically to avoid that business model as an alternative for the starter developers who dont have a following yet.

Shrapnel is more of a publicity and distributing market plan. Shrapnel does pretty good at publicity. Their games get covered in almost every game rating site. But publicity and distro dont involve laying out funds ahead of time and holding up profit checks for developers. Or worse yet having to gouge devs to cover lost funds on such experiments.
This game is NOT suitable for students, interns, apprentices, or anyone else who is expected to pass tests on a regular basis. Do not think about strategies while operating heavy machinery. Before beginning this game make arrangements for someone to check on you daily. If you find that your game has continued for more than 36 hours straight then you should consult a physician immediately (Do NOT show him the game!)
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