Originally Posted by Ink
if the devs aren't in it for the money, and don't want to take any risks to make money, then that makes sense.
but if devs are serious about being game developers as a living, then two-bit publicity and marketing won't get you anywhere, you NEED to shell out a little cash for someone with exposure and a real marketing team.
True enough. Actually a better plan is to go with P&D for the first game or two for capital and buildup a player base, then switch to a M&S for the later versions. And a number of developers have done that here (with questionable success on the gamble move). As far as the Dom3 devs you might have hit the button since they have said they arent in it for the money.
BTW, anyone can get covered in almost every game rating sites. Those sites are usually link farms, and it pays them to go looking for games themselves. That doesn't take publicity and marketing.
So cynical.

but not all of them are like that.
Not that it matters. It still pays off better than just placing a game with a digital distrib company. More people hit the game review sites, and then the purchase sites. Few hit the purchase sites first. Since the method of purchase is unlikely to affect much for this game its still a safe bet.