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Old January 17th, 2010, 03:06 PM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: Blood Red (recruiting)

It seems like Themiskyra's PD could be toned down quite a bit. A mage at PD 1 who can spam dessication/frozen heart/vine arrow makes thuggery a risky proposition without pretty good equipment. At 20+ the PD has 2 different kinds of top notch sacreds along with a priest to bless them, high precision archers (including poison bows!), 2 different mages (counting the mage/priest) and heavy infantry with good defense & shields. I'd also suggest making all their sacreds cap only to bring them more in line with other nations - sacred cavalry is almost universally cap only, and having to decide which of those really awesome sacreds to go with adds an interesting bit of choice while going a long way towards tempering the fact that there are 6 (!) different really good sacreds with flying, etherealness, fear, stealth, poison bows, glamour, really high defense and some with also high protection. Being able to pump most of them out of every castle is a bit over the top. I'd also maybe tone down the protection on the infantry, not only for balance but thematically its a bit off putting that the amazon chicks are sporting armor comparable to Abysia - except with much better encumbrance and much lower resource cost.
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