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Old January 18th, 2010, 03:32 PM

hoo hoo is offline
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Default Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]

Originally Posted by LoloMo View Post
So how are you all doing? Who are the big uns left? I can see Atlantis and Marveni as the two superpowers, but my view is limited to my half of the world.

As Marv, I put myself in the top 5 hopefully #3. #1 and #2 are Atlatnis/Vanehim. Caelum and Pan are top 5 as well. I had discounted Pan but he took apart TC so fast ann is taking out the Giants capitol too boot. Caelum has 4 capitols and a ton of territory so I put them in the top 5 as well.

Vanheim has at least 4 caps and seeming the entire middle of the board norther of Tir/Lanka. Atlantis has 3 I believe but a ton of SCs.

I have 3 caps and some SCs but not quite as many as I used to as I've lost a bunch in the last few turns.

The top 2 are pretty clear. Marv, Pan and Caelum all seem to make stateks in the top 5. I think Lanka could be in the top 5 too but I just don't know much or who'd they'd replace. Tir only has 1 cap so they have soem ground to make up.

That's how I see it.,
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