Originally Posted by Mardagg
-many 2 handed items are extremely underpowered(e.g. Wraith Sword) and could need more thematic polishing(e.g. Hell sword).
The wraith sword was 10 death gems in Dom 2, and with full lifedrain was just about the only weapon thugs tended to use other than blood thorns. With partial lifedrain, I'd probably try it at a cost of 15 gems to see if that makes it worthwhile before adding too much damage.
-some uniques still need to be evaluated differently(e.g. Black mirror) or changed(Fever Fetish should be non unique again)
Are fever fetishes cursed? Because if they aren't, then they run into the gem generating problem again. Maybe make items that cast particular fire/astral/earth spells at the beginning of a battle rather than making the gem generators non-unique.
Fever Fetish should be treated differently than Clams imo ,making it non-unique again,but maybe making it 1 step more expensive.Blood stone is unique,therefore a booster item is needed for Earth using a misc slot(any ideas?).
The only booster items available for Earth magic are the pebble skin suit and the tome of gaia (also does nature). It's not possible to add magic path boosts to new or existing items. One could also maybe reduce the path levels on some of the E5 spells so that E2 mages would only need one booster to cast them. petrify is a candidate here.