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Old January 19th, 2010, 11:38 AM

Amorphous Amorphous is offline
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Default Re: Magic Items under CBM

Originally Posted by Tollund View Post
You'd be better off in almost any real situation to just forge a standard of the damned over a wraith sword.
In most cases you are probably correct, but I can certainly think of exceptions.

You are not really doing that much damage with the standard and the defence rating is very bad. For strong commanders the sword may be a better choice. You do not get as much life leech, but you will kill your opponents much faster and they will damage you less. Also, four-armed units can combine an attack with the sword with other weapons, while the standard cannot be used in such a fashion.

Originally Posted by Psycho
That's not true for the simple reason that you will be saving death gems throughout the game, so that you have enough available once you reach conj 9.
Aside from the thing about gem-flow, this presupposes that you are at liberty to wait for effective thugs and SCs. A Tartarian a couple of years in the future really does not help when you need something now.

Last edited by Amorphous; January 19th, 2010 at 11:43 AM.. Reason: Missed a comment
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