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Old January 19th, 2010, 01:45 PM
Mardagg Mardagg is offline
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Default Re: Magic Items under CBM

Originally Posted by Amorphous View Post

Also, I have to wonder if making the fire brand less effective against SCs and thugs this way is really a good thing. Big and strong commanders will not care much that you knock off a couple of points of inherent damage, but smaller and weaker commanders will. CBM has already made it easier to kill ordinary troops through price and path reductions of items (cfr Demon Whip), so I have a hard time seeing it as balance promoting to tip the scales even further in the direction of physically impressive commanders.
I got a different opinion here.
Currently,the Brands are great vs chaff and great vs SC`s,all while being cheap.
That makes it a no-brainer almost every time for any SC or Thug to give it a Brand.Thugs with a Brand are pretty good vs chaff,too.
In turn,any SC equipped with a brand is well rounded.
By reducing the damage,generic SC`s become weaker vs specialized SC`s/Thugs,equipped for maximizing damage on just one target.
This is mainly the place where i see many 2 handed weapons in future use.
U could e.g. make the flambeu slightly better or cheaper and it would be a viable choice for anti sc purpose with its triple damage vs undeads.There are many,many possibilties here if you manage to nerf the brands so that they arent a no brainer anymore,while still being a good choice.
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