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Old January 20th, 2010, 10:29 AM
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Default Re: blood sacrifice newbie question

Originally Posted by thejeff View Post
But, sacrificing will cause dominion to spread out to other provinces, so it's still worthwhile.
This point is very important, and it's easy to miss. Dominion spread in a province that already has max dominion will "flow" out to other provinces.

Think of provinces as an ice cube tray. (Link provided in case anyone has forgotten what an ice cube tray looks like.) When one cube is filled to capacity, water will start to flow into the neighboring cubes. When you're filling an ice cube tray, you can simply pour the water into one cube, and the "flow" will take care of filling the entire tray.

In much the same way, dominion spread in a province that already has max dominion will "flow" out to neighboring provinces. If those provinces are also at max dominion, then the "flow" will continue until it reaches a province that is below the max. Please note that this principle does not apply to dominion gained through preaching. Preachers only affect the dominion score in provinces where they are actually preaching. However, it applies to all other forms of dominion spread, including:
  • temple checks
  • your Pretender
  • your prophet
  • blood sacrifice
Other types of dominion spread, such as juggernauts, can also influence neighboring provinces. Basically, it applies to everything except preaching.
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