Re: Mega-Dueling Tournament - Rules, Settings, Check List, and Sign Ups
What I propose is this:
1: New Thread, everyone interested posts their names
2: Each pairing chooses nations amongst themselves, with no reference to any other pairing
3: In the 2nd round, each pairing again chooses nations amongst themselves. They may choose between the 4 nations that took part in their respective 1st-round battles, and may choose in any way they can agree upon
4: In subsequent rounds, the same thing happens
5: Seeding is determined randomly. If no one else wants to, I will establish the initial pairings using a random method. To keep things moving, 2nd-round pairings should be assigned in order of game completion (so the winners of the first 2 games to finish face each other, and so on)
6: In the event of not getting 32 or 64 players, 2nd-round byes will be awarded for especially-impressive victories. Criteria would include speed of victory and use of weak nations (if you can take out Niefelheim with Bandar Log, say, you deserve a free pass to the 3rd round).
Or we can do something else entirely, or wait for Areaofeffect to return. Just throwing this out there.