Originally Posted by Psycho
Maybe vine shield can be nerfed as well, since it is definitely the best choice for the shield by far. I'd put it higher in the research tree - constr 6.
Agreed. This is the most used shield by far - unless I don't have Nature gems...

As for Brands - I agree with Sombre that cheapness is main attrcation of the Frost one. Same price Stick and Demon whip (CBM) have worse att/def. Shadowbrand is more costly with a risk to user, which is also true for Evening Star (but how famously the latter clears crowds! Definitely shouldn't be too cheap/easy to make). So in this group Fire brand is also the cheapest considering that it also gives FR and is AP. This second group can be used against thugs/SCs, but it still isn't optimal for it - better options are present, unless, of course, you didn't know that you would fight other thugs or are constrained in gems. So - I wouldn't say they should be nerfed in damage, but I also wouldn't say they should be placed low in the research tree as current CBM does. With Stick & (probably) Whip at 2, Frost & Fire brands at 4, Shadow & Evening Star at 6 it should be OK, I think.