Originally Posted by Benjamin
Actually, just prepare to lose because you are worse in nearly every way compared to MA aby, and MA aby isn't exactly a powerhouse in it's era, and most early nations are stronger than middle nations.
I don't think that's a valid assessment. While I wouldn't put EA Aby at the top of the list of powerhouses, I wouldn't put them at the bottom either. The problem is they are very seductive in tempting you to play in a way that is powerful short term, but a dead end long term. If you make diversity your primary goal early on though then you have a lot less to worry about when people start bringing iron bane, rain and fire immune thugs to the fights because you're now bringing demons/undead under darkness or masses of flaming arrows or whatever.
And its not like its realistic that you are shut down as soon as alt-4 (destruction) is researched unless your play is very predictable and straightforward. More likely you don't have too much to worry about until that's combined with summon earthpower and even still if you're tossing a bunch of fireballs from outside of destruction's range you've got a considerable high ground advantage while your opponent has to close to *you* and still has a considerable heat aura problem to deal with, along with salamanders and infantry which hits hard regardless of their armor. The problem comes later when they can basically ignore your evocations while pelting you with their own, forcing you to charge *them* into destruction spam - that's when you really need to have your diversity worked out...but you shouldn't have any trouble having it by then if you play with half a brain.