Thread: Baalz' guides
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Old January 21st, 2010, 04:51 PM

Benjamin Benjamin is offline
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Default Re: Baalz' guides

Baalz I'm surprised you think conj3 is necessary, aren't you always pointing out that an e2 can use earth gems in a pinch? Plenty of nations with plenty of earth gems to do that.

Anyhow, You're not going to be able to blood hunt, and research, and use mages for combat, and get a head start on the blood uniques.

Lightning evocs are still a disaster.

Salamanders I didn't find cost effective unless I added body ethereal, and that's out at alt 3 where you don't want to go if you are rushing blood.

You can play a reasonable mid game and even late game if you're allowed to diversify by leveraging blood and your pretender, I just don't think you'll get there, and even if you do you're just a weak blood nation.

I haven't even mentioned the difficulty you have in dealing with (some types of) raiding.

Sorry Baalz but this nation is a dog. Stick with their sexier older sister, ma aby.
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