Thread: Baalz' guides
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Old January 21st, 2010, 10:43 PM
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Default Re: Baalz' guides

I'm not sure what in the world this has to do with Aby. Just so we're straight, your critique is that unsupported PD can be raided by appropriately outfitted and buffed thugs? And your other critique is that Mictlan can cast rain of toads and has strong units? Don't really think I want to argue with that.

I will say I think that beast bats with a primary fire bless aren't what I'd lay up at night worrying about with EA Aby, though I suspect you picked that as a pretender who would potentially beat you out for the devil lords rather than a bless Mictlan would ever actually take in a game. Mictlan just seldom has top notch research at the beginning of the game -they don't need it and there's too many things they want their mages doing. I also agree with Squirrelloid that Bonds of Fire is definitely the goto spell against plenty of units, though I don't know that I'd take it over fireball just in general because of the range. When you're sporting a long range artillery spell like fireball it means you can often force the enemy to close with you rather than having to run into stuff like destruction.
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