Thread: Baalz' guides
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Old January 21st, 2010, 11:47 PM

Frozen Lama Frozen Lama is offline
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Default Re: Baalz' guides

Originally Posted by Benjamin View Post

Anyhow, I guess I'm done with this argument, you're baalz after all. I still think your nationals are tough to rely on for 20 turns because all the troops are strat 1 except the sallamanders, fireball isn't very efficient on a 140 gp mage, and I think I could handle getting scouts and air mages to raid vulnerable provinces (JUST AS AN EXAMPLE) which would be (AN EXAMPLE OF SOMETHING) hard for you to deal with, even if I just taxed 200 and ran.

And I still think that even if I'm wrong about all that that your pretender + cap only blood hunters just isn't a very impressive toolbox.

One last thing to get out of the way:

Baalz on that nation!

I'd rather dip my baalz in lava that try to win with EA aby!

I played as EA aby and a lot of the other nations really squeezed my baalz!

I'll get my coat.
If you have a problem with the guides Baalz writes, don't read them. Wether or not you like them, Baalz is a huge asset to the community. That doesn't mean he is always right, but he at least deserves you to not be a jerk to him when he's trying to help.

and massive raiding on turn 20? that'd be pretty damn impressive.
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