Thread: Baalz' guides
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Old January 22nd, 2010, 12:02 AM

Benjamin Benjamin is offline
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Default Re: Baalz' guides

Hey I didn't mean to be rude to Baalz. If I owe you an apology Baalz, here it is: sorry, I think you're a tremendous asset to the community, and I think you've written a lot of very useful guides. I myself have benefited from them greatly.

I didn't pick the mictlan bless to fight aby, as I think I pointed out it wasn't contrived. I picked it because it is the bless I am using right now.

Yes s9 is better than f9 bless, but mictlan no longer has the oracle.

edit: and why is everyone so focused on the raiding? That was the least of my criticism, which was mostly about destruction and lightning evocations in the early game, and then not getting much use out of your nationals in the mid and late game.

second edit: I hope it wasn't the puns that were perceived as rude. I have removed them.
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