Thread: Baalz' guides
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Old January 22nd, 2010, 12:03 AM

WaltF4 WaltF4 is offline
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Default Re: Baalz' guides

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
I'd rush Thaum 2-3 over evo for early magic as abysia. Bonds of Fire/Prison of Fire is much better than fireballs, and even works against FR enemies. And you pick up your remote search spell as a bonus.
I'm not sure Thaum is worth much if you are rushing for blood summons. CBM fire bolas are Const 0. I also don't think the Thaum 2 site searching spells amount to much. You don't have any A, E, or N gems, nor can you cast any of the associated search spells with national mages, excluding a 2.5% E2 chance on an Anointed. Enough Evo for fireball also gets you arcane probing which warlocks can cast.

That said, I think a nation with exclusively capitol only blood mages is asking for trouble leaning heavy on blood. Not that playing EA Aby isn't asking for it regardless. I mean it really feels like the devs forgot to give them useful things. Like increase heat on EA Smouldercone... or N on warlocks to actually be able to cast crossbreeding...

Anyways, what are peoples feeling about production scales on EA Aby?
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