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Old January 24th, 2010, 01:10 PM

Sir_Dr_D Sir_Dr_D is offline
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Default Re: Magic Items under CBM

What are your comments one the below revised stats, of the weapons I earlier listed. Anything in parthesis is how much I increased a stat by. Mostly I made the damage for two-handed swords double that of the single handed version. The defense was made 3 higher then the single handed verion, and the attack is 2 higher.

Spears, as Sombre pointed out, should not increase defense in dominions. They should not do as much damage as swords either. So what I did is made them into high acurracy weapons, and gave them the bonus damage on first strike ability.

Single Handed Sword of Sharpness:
Damage - 8
Attack - 1
Defense - 2
Length - 2

Two handed sword of sharpness:
Damage - 16 (+4 from the orginal stat)
Attack - 3 (+1)
Defense - 5 (+2)
Length - 3

1 handed bane blade:
Damage - 6
Attack - 1
Defense - 2
Length - 2

2 handed bane blade:
Damage - 12 (+3)
Attack - 3 (+1)
Defense - 5 (+2)
Length - 3

Enchanted spear:
Damage - 7 (With bonus damage on first strike)
Attack - 3
Defense - 2
Length - 4

Enchanted pike:
Damage - 13 (+3) (With bonus damage on first strike)
Attack - 6 (+3)
Defense - 1
Length - 6
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