Originally Posted by chrispedersen
Hey sombre.. in defense for some of the new people it takes a lot more than 5 minutes to really get a handle on modding capability.
Of weapon and item modding? I don't think so. Maybe to fully realise what you can do with all the existing weapons listed in edi's DB and clever tricks with secondaryeffects etc, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about basic limitations. Understanding that weapons and items aren't the same thing.
If you changed the description of the wraithsword to say it wreathes the user in shadows or whatever, you could certainly justify extra def. Depends what you want the wraith sword to be - to me it clearly isn't suited to being an anti SC weapon, since its defining characteristic is partial lifedrain, which is basically useful against chaff. Does added def make it better as a chaff harvester? High enough def would. It would all around boost it of course.
I kinda like the idea of the wraithsword getting 2 attacks personally, making the most of the partial lifedrain.