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Old January 25th, 2010, 07:31 AM
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Burnsaber Burnsaber is offline
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TheEarlyDays ended and my fix of Dom3 is running thin. My hands are shaking like mad.

I need more!

Because I'm a very silly person, I need spice up each of my games with odd mods and rules. This time I'm going for something very different from "Dramatica". It's time for all of us to act like men of stature & education. Definately not some vagabonds who live under bridges.

Also, my mod nation, Bretonnia is in need of MP test. I'm sure that one of you gentlemen will take this nation for a whirl. If none of you fancy it, I'll play it, but it would be preferrable for someone else to play it for objectivity.


Era: MA
Players: 11. 8 land players and 3 water players.
Settings: Renaming on, otherwise normal
Mods: Gentleman's Compilimation mod, containing CBM 1.6, Nehekhara, Bretonnia and Ogres. Downloadable from this post. Note that you will need to download the actual mods too, since I forgot to include the graphics of the mod in question.


1) All agreements are binding, we are Gentlemen after all.
1a) Should a player break an agreement, all other contracts the offending player has made shall be made void.

2) All agreements are public and must be stated in this thread for them to be under protection of clause 1). There is no need to be too verbose though, something like "Shinyama has signed NAP3 with Bretonnia" is enough. Both signing and retreating from an agreement must be announced.

3) The admin of the game shall keep a list of all announced agreements on the first post for quick reference.

Map: Islands and Tunnels

Other rules
1) Ashdod is not a nation for gentlemen. We will keep it out of this game.
2) Roleplaying by characteristic posts (both in-game and in this thread) is heavily encouraged and appreciated.
3) Fighting to the last breath is expected in this game. If you are too time strained or unmotivated to play, please at least try to find a sub.
4) In sign-up, you have to put the word "Monocle" (no context needed) in the post where you sign up. Consider it a sort of test for me to know that you have read the rules of the game and know for what you are singing up to. I mean, imagine if some vagabond managed to sneak into this friendly spar between civilized men. The mere thought is propostereous!

26h for turns 1-25
36h for turns 26-40
48h for turns 41-60
72h after turn 60

Delays granted on request.Gentlemen have important stuff to do outside of this game.

Victory Condition:

1) Ruling 4 capitals for 3 consecutive turns.
2) Concensus from other gentlemen


Player -- Nation
1.Burnsaber(admin) -- Shinyama
2.Trumanator -- Ogres
3.Cleveland -- Oceania
4.Apsophos -- R'lyeh
5.GameExtremist -- Arcosephale
6.Alpine Joe -- Bretonnia
7.fungalreason -- Vanheim
8.Squirreloid -- Nehekra
9.Starshine_Monarch -- Tien C'hi
10.ghoul31 -- Agartha
11.Grijalva -- Atlantis


Bretonnia <-> R'lyeh -- NAP 3
Bretonnia <-> Ogres -- NAP 3
Shinuyama <-> Agartha -- NAP 3
Shinuyama <-> Nehekhara -- NAP 3
Shinuyama <-> Vanheim -- NAP 5
Nehekhara <-> Arcosephale -- NAP 3
Nehekhara <-> Oceania -- NAP 3
Ogre Kingdoms <-> Atlantis -- NAP 5
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Last edited by Burnsaber; June 7th, 2010 at 05:07 AM..
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