Re: 2 AI Questions
1: Essentially it's random. Whether or not the processes behind it are random, the end result certainly doesn't resemble a design of any kind. At anything higher than normal difficulty they get so many free design points that they're bound to have lots of magic on anything they pick though.
2: It kinda depends if you mean with CBM on or not, NI or BI on also. It's pretty terrible with all of them regardless, however. It's especially bad with ma and la mictlan, capable of dying after a few turns and with caelum, since it has no idea how to use flying troops. I think it's best with Jotunheim and the roman nations, personally.
Basically the only AI 'strat' is to build as many troops as possible and throw them at you. So anything that has good basic troops and good pd is what it's best with. Magic, thugs etc mean pretty much nothing to the AI.