Thread: 2 AI Questions
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Old January 25th, 2010, 04:26 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: 2 AI Questions

No they didn't. They haven't granted anything people actually want for AI improvements. There are also relatively few mods or maps dedicated to improving the AI. Those that have been made have been largely ignored. Stop sugar coating everything.

I'm sure someone is going to try and take me to task over who 'people' are. I would classify them as those who actually had an interest in improving the AI and were willing to make mods/improvements. The ability to change the weighting of the AI, its scripting, decision making etc has always been a wishlist item and something many people have asked about.

Edit: This is no criticism of the devs. AI tools are obviously not a priority, which is cool. They'd probably be a total pain to implement.
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