Thread: 2 AI Questions
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Old January 25th, 2010, 05:21 PM
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Default Re: 2 AI Questions

You can always turn on the comptrn switch and look at the AIs turn files. It doesnt script specific spells but then that would be a duplication anyway since the spell choices are written into the code and used to overwrite scripts. Be dumb for the code to argue with itself that way. But it does script. Im not sure how it decides but some units it prefers "stay behind troops" for major mages which makes sense since it allows the other code to just do spell selection. Then another mage is cast, cast, attack which made sense since it was an SC. And yes another would be just cast once then attack which made sense since it was a clerical giant.

It is fun to see the things that the AI can do that we cant. Ive seen scripted instructions such as cast, cast, fly attk rear.

And I wouldnt say that the AI efforts have been ignored. The devs have a number of AI items on the progress page including one we have yet to receive. And player-done items are available. NI maps are well known and seem to get a fair amount of use. Large maps get downloaded fairly often. And there is always SemiRand.

Besides, dont knock me for upholding the title beneath my name just as I wouldnt knock you for always upholding yours.
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