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Old January 25th, 2010, 10:55 PM
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GrudgeBringer GrudgeBringer is offline
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Default Re: Viscious Circle 3

OHHHHHHH, by the way....

Those that have looked at their turn have discovered that I cast Arcane Nexus.

I was approched (as I seem to be the Switzerland in this game) by 2 Nations who suggested that I cast it so no one else would cast it.

I don't have any axe to grind with anyone and am NOT going to give the gems to anyone. It was agreed that I would give back the gems given to me to cast it and not 1 more. it was the only way I would do have my word.

You can pool your gems and try and dispel it but between the 3 of us I used a TON to cast it....I say this in all humility as I don't want you warring nations to waste your gems on something that is not going to hurt you.

Thanks Grudge
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