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Old January 26th, 2010, 08:28 AM
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Default Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting 1/10 slots filled)

Originally Posted by Burnsaber View Post
Dear Sir, I ogled at you map for quite a while. My peculiar curiosity was roused, if you excuse my strong language.

We would be honored to use your map in our game. I also took the freedom of signing you up. The presence of such a industrious gentleman as yourself will do the game only good.
Jolly good!

If it pleases the assembly, I humbly submit version 0.1 of the aforementioned map for review by the gentlemen gathered. Mind you it is by no means a finished product, and I ask these most learned scholars to test it for connectivity/province mask irregularities:
Islands and Tunnels

I graciously accept the opportunity to be the first gentleman to honor his agreements: I choose Arcoscephale. After all, what could be more civilized then a proud phalanx of hoplites marching in good order to meet the enemy?

I must inform you, however, that I will be traveling this Wednesday to Sunday. I suspect it shan't effect our start date, and will post on this thread once I've established a viable connection, but if you don't hear from me, kindly hold the start until Sunday evening USA time (or midnight Monday in Mother England, God Save the Queen).

Post feedback on the map! Don't be afraid to say it's crap and unusable!
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