Originally Posted by Amorphous
Looking at the axe, it really does not seem that bad in itself - fear is a reasonably powerful effect. It seems to me that at least part of the problem is that the Horror Helmet is available at the same level of construction with path requirements that make it likely that anyone able and willing to craft the axe, could craft the helmet instead. Perhaps bumping the helmet up to construction 4 would help.
Why would you nerf the situationally useful horror helmet? It isn't like it's overused and eclipsing balanced items. It's often useful as is, whereas the imp axe generally isn't, so boost the imp axe. Not rocket science.
I am sorry if my question rubbed you the wrong way
It didn't but your apologies don't read as sincere in the slightest anyway.
It also seems like my wording threw you off and you took my question a bit too literally. In my defence I will say that it never entered my mind that anyone would interpret my words so narrowly as to think I meant using the newweapon-command and adding the ability directly to the structure (hope that was clear enough).
If it never entered your mind, why are you assuming that's how I interpreted it? I just said it isn't possible. Which it isn't, with the caveat that anything is theoretically possible if you're willing to go to ridiculous lengths or accept a messy solution to do something basically pointless.
For instance you could turn Horror Helm, the item, into a replacement for imp axe which wouldn't have the pillage bonus, if you accepted that you'd be losing horror helm just to remove an attribute no-one cares about. Same situation with construction 12 items, if there was even one that just granted fear, it would be a less messy solution to the 'problem' (imp axe having pillage).