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Old January 26th, 2010, 01:08 PM
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Starshine_Monarch Starshine_Monarch is offline
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Default Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game (Recruiting! 9/10 slots filled)

Originally Posted by Starshine_Monarch View Post
I have noticed a problem however in that the Tomb Kings mod changes weapon 710: the Warhorse Hoof in CBM used on Heavy Cavalry and the like (which somehow always end up in provinces adjacent to your capital), into an utterly preposterous "Divine Flail" that Tomb Kings mentions are only supposed to be used on pretenders. I believe these to be simply copies of the CBM Divine Flails found on the Egyptian-style titan pretenders, so I shall upload a version of Tomb Kings that does away with these weapons in order to avoid unfortunate conflicts with CBM.
Would have edited, but I was a bit too late.

What I meant to say was I WOULD upload a new mod if I had any clue whatsoever on how Llama's mod combining script works. There are likely many other conflicts as well and as it is now there's no real easy way for me to fix this issue, so I humbly request that someone who knows what the heck he's doing run the mods we will be using through Llama's script...
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