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Old January 26th, 2010, 03:57 PM

Sir_Dr_D Sir_Dr_D is offline
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Default Re: Magic Items under CBM

I know it is not a good idea to change the cost and research level of commonly used items, because it confuses people. Most of the time I agree with this. But there is one item I think should get changed. It is so commonly used that it sometimes seems like thugs all might as well come with one misc slot, and automatically have luck. (That is a slight exageration, but it does seem like most builds need to have that lucky pendant.)

I think the lucky pendant should be research level 4 and cost 10 astral. If you make that change then there will be a lot more variety in what is used in the misc slots. There is a lot of interesting item, but they are rarely used because they are completely overshadowed by the lucky pendant. This modification could change the balance in the game, and a lot of people will likely be against this, but I think the change would be for the better.
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