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Old January 27th, 2010, 07:01 AM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: David & Goliath - Running noob game

Tir na n’Og?
Not TienChi?
How very interesting..

Yes, I’m sorry, I was going to answer you but always put it off till next time.

1) I’ve no borders with TC. It’s difficult to help you with main army.
2) If using thugs I need some turns to prepare.
3) You gave none of the information of his bless, magic and favourite tactics. I don’t know how can you be at war and know nothing of that.
4) And finally, you seem to be doomed. You have very low research (but it should be your main weapon) And you have very low dominion strength. I expect you to lose all the candles in some months.
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