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Old January 27th, 2010, 10:55 AM
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Default Re: House Rules against the AI

There is a switch called SuperHost. It runs host over and over and over. You can add it to your dom3 icon and use it to force the game ahead many turns before stopping it, take the superhost off, and then join the game in normal mode with the AIs having a big head start.

Ive actually been outbid on mercs lately but the AI doesnt tend to bid more than a slight amount. Most of the outbids I thnk are the newer changes of "merc preference" which makes some mercs cheaper for certain nations to hire over others. My rules might include only one set of mercs at a time.

I like to RPG abit in my solo games so I treat AIs as if they were players. I even send messages. In some case, gifts. Particularly if I see that a nation I can probably beat easily is on the "other side" of some nasty nation. Such as, if I see that an undead nation is getting close then I might send "Herald Lances" to a nation on the other side of them, or even between me and them. The lances allow the AI to hold back the undeads but dont cause me much problem later.

I even form NAPs (non-aggression pacts) with AIs. On the one hand some will find that really funny. On the other hand some will say it works exactly the same as it does in MP games with humans. Everything seems good for awhile then suddenly the AI "changes its mind". At least with the AI its rarely a surprise attack. It tends to build up on your border giving you a chance to RPG an exchange of disappointment and threats of counter actions. Its good practice for the real thing.

Other things you can do:
Maps such as NI, Tower, or Pipe can give you a better game with AIs. Pushing up the resources setting for new games can help also. And lowering the strength of Independents.

You can add some commands to the end of your favorite map that makes the AIs allies with each other. Or team up. The commands are ignored for human players of those nations or if the nation isnt in the game so you can create some interesting alliances and forget you did it.

Maps can have designed AIs added. Things such as giving it only small gods, or immobile gods. The AI doesnt tend to use SC (super combatant, big mobile gods) very well unless its a small map. It also helps to use designed AIs so that it doesnt choose scales that can kill itself.

Other ways to get Designed AIs is to start the game as human for all players. Build the nations pretender and scales logically, then after a couple turns use the games Options screen to change that nation to AI for the rest of the game. Or use the SemiRand which can add random designed AIs to a map.
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