Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
There are pros and cons to the AI doing things totally randomly.
On one hand, it usually gets it wrong. On the other hand it can surprise us.
How can it surprise us? By doing exactly the same thing in every game?
Good AI (artificial intelligence) is not good AH (artificially human). Good AI is the intellgent choice. "A straight line between two points" which is too predictable.
And yet, the best chess programs in the world work in exactly that way.
Good AH is almost achieved by "random selections filtered thru intelligent choices" but that takes alot of code. Even for ONE of these nations such a set of rules would be huge to do it with any variety for replayability.
I'd rather worry about competence before I worried about replayability. The AI is currently incompetent at anything beyond pushing armies around the map. And yes, I mean it when I say that it's incompetent. It only has a chance against a non-beginner when the odds are more than three to one in its favour.
The best bet WE will ever see are more designed AIs for each nation being submitted to the SemiRand. Or a really good mod builder creating an AI.
How, exactly? No mod can change the AI behaviour in the game. Better pretender designs won't fix the lack of coherent pre-designed plans for the AI. Allowing the AI to cheat by giving it massive starting advantages isn't a solution either.