Re: Diplomacy ethics
Every player develops a relationship and reputation with other players as to how 'honorable' he is, how sneaky, and so on.
There is a difference between misleading and outright lying. For example:
"So are you going to attack me next turn?"
"No, I'm not."
"So, are you going to attack me next turn?"
"You aren't nearly as good a target as [Nation A] is."
In the first example, if an attack did occur, it would be a direct lie and should impact reputation. In the latter example the responder misdirected, and never actually claimed they weren't going to attack, merely suggested an alternative course of action without committing to anything. In that case I'd say an attack is merely sneaky, and shouldn't impact reputation (or rather, shouldn't impact your reputation for honor. It should improve your reputation for craftiness).