Re: Diplomacy ethics
Dominions 3 isn't the kind of game were I would expect to find binding diplomacy in every game, you're a god here to ban all others, so you can only expect temporary diplo solutions, as there are no such thing as allied victory.So even in a diplo binding game, you'll have to fight your 'allies' in the end.
Reasons that can lead to diplo violations in a dom game :
'Your women are all sorceresses : they wield long hairs !'
'Your hat is red, red is the color of evil !'
'How You Dare Eat Salad On A Friday, You Heretic !'
'Your God has got too many hands/tentacles/claws to be trustworthy !'
10 times more numerous, by nigth and backstabbing.
Senior member of the GLIN !