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Old February 1st, 2010, 08:22 AM
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Default Re: House Rules against the AI

Originally Posted by Foodstamp View Post
Originally Posted by Edi View Post
The current version fixes it so that units generated by events don't have altered gold costs but the same units in national rosters are replaced by a copied unit that does have higher cost. I never ran into the queue problem myself.
What about the standard militia event?

To test the resource hang up I am talking about, you only need to take over any AI controlled castle besides their capital. I am pretty sure the AI makes the same decisions in provinces without castles but you just don't see the queue hang up because that bug only allows you to see the queued units when you conquer a castle.

If the AI doesn't do this anymore, I may give it another shot!
The standard militia that appears by event is unmodded in terms of gold cost. It will not cause bankruptcy. It will also be recruitable in the gold cost version from those poptypes that have it (two or three, so you see some of it in the AI armies). Nations that had other crap in their rosters still have them, but as copies. So e.g. if they had light cavalry 26, they now have other units (unused) that had light cav copystatted on them.

If the queued up units don't show outside castles, then yes, that would be a problem for the resource mod. I use the combo or the gold cost version myself most of the time. So the resource version may or may not suffer from that problem.

The only problem with gold cost mod is that enslaving indies via astral magic can be hazardous to your finances, so a look at the mod code and the poptype list in the Dom3 DB is advisable before experimenting.
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