Thread: 2 AI Questions
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 09:33 AM
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Default Re: 2 AI Questions

Because if I have 1 hour, or 5, and want to play a game, I want to play it. Not do a turn, wait a day. And, o.c., simply save & continue another day if time runs out. That's what SP normally is for, and maybe computer games in general, at least for me, and that doesn't really work out with Dominions.

Back to the "AI" topic - have a little bit to add which I forgot:

Another hint that the AI design is stuck maybe even before DomPPP,
is that in the beginning, when it is forced to build up its first army to break out of its home province, and it has one clear target (the home province of a neighbouring player, which it can see because it always knows all province ownerships) - then it can head straight for that target until it runs out of units in that army.
So as long as it has 1 army, and 1 target, everything is fine. No idea about reinforcements, though, and multiple armies and targets seem to confuse the algorithm completely ...
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