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Old February 2nd, 2010, 10:24 AM
Mardagg Mardagg is offline
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Default Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)

I swear to god that this was a movement mistake.
I wanted him to move to scytha from Amiridon,and i really dont know why the hell he moved to Hynaphe.Must be mistakenly happended when i tried to move a scout from there who still stayed there.

As you can see,if i wanted to breach the NAP,i would have done it full scale and not this unimportant province.
And he isnt even equipped for attacking.

ulm will give you 300 Gold,for your income and pd loss.
We wont touch the taxes as well.
In exchange we would like to get free retreat for him to amridon.

Sorry for this.
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