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Old February 2nd, 2010, 09:34 PM
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Default Re: Diplomacy ethics

I guess I have a different outlook on diplomacy in this and other games. Using Chess, Go, Checkers, or any number of games that pit you agianst another person from the start as an example, there isn't any sort of diplomacy other than you won't cheat in the game.

Even in Poker where there are thousands of dollars at stake there IS diplomacy. Its called 'playing soft' on another player (you just check it down once there are only the 2 of you etc).

From the first day I decided to play Dom 3 MP, I decided to be Honorable to a fault. This has hindered me and helped me in games, but for the most part it has made it an enjoyable experiance for me.

I will ALWAYS keep my word, Naps, or any promises I make in the game. I have also broken Naps and gone to war (after all there can be only one), but I have always given notice etc.

Because of this I have made a number of GOOD friends and can usually expect a fairly easy early expansion period.

I have had a few people who act (in MY eyes) dishonorable and I actually keep a list of them. You can talk about leaving it in the game all you want, but if you where sneak attacted by a player, you won't forget them.
You may not go out of your way to attack them in another game, but you won't forget them...OR trust them.

It is no different than playing sports. If you get a cheap shot from another player you remember them. And if you get a chance to step on their ankle/hand/arm or just blindside them, you will, it's human nature.

By keeping this list I can chose to not play with an individual, warn others that are my friends about them, or get even.

People have long memories and you can quote Sun Tzu, or any number of philosophers to justify your actions.

Me...I like Michael Corleone, "Revenge is best when its cold".

THAT is just the way I am.
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