Re: How to fight Fomoria?
Fomoria's bless is E6S4N4? That's not so bad. Its not E9! Are they geared? You're LA TC - what kind of bless do you have? AVs with E9 would probably do pretty well.
Depending on if or how well geared the Fomorian giants are, I'd look to alteration. Especially for really early game where they won't be geared. Armor of achilles is wonderful against high-protection low-numbers elites like giants. Earth Might can increase your hitting power to bring them down fast, and earth meld can stop them in their tracks.
Ok, assuming A B C D are provinces, A-B, A-C, B-C, B-D are valid connections, and A,B owned by P1, C,D owned by P2. The following orders are given:
Where X->Y implies army in X is moving to Y.
So, A->C is unopposed, and resolves.
D->B is unopposed, and resolves.
B->C is opposed by C->B (that is, two opposing armies are moving into each other). The game decides whether (1) the armies encounter each other and (2) which army move resolves if they encounter each other.
If the armies fail to encounter each other, both moves resolve, and P2s armies end up in B, P1s armies end up in C, and fight whatever battles result (probably against PD, barring additional information).
If the armies do encounter each other, only one of B->C or C->B resolves. Let's assume B->C resolves. This means C->B doesn't happen, so Amry(C) is still in C when A,B->C, and thus C fights Armies originating in A,B in province C (with support of its PD). D ends up in B and fights that resulting battle alone.
The opposite condition (A fights in C, B fights C,D in B) occurs if C->B resolves instead.
Note that all movement resolves before combats occur, its just that two armies moving into each other can cause a movement order to fail.
Sorry if that was confusing, hope that helped.