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Old February 3rd, 2010, 09:40 AM
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Default Re: How to fight Fomoria?

Originally Posted by WingedDog View Post
I understand. My point: it takes not 2 or 3 nemedians to take down possibly buffed armored ghost king on his territory and it is difficult to mass 20-30 of them by turn 8 while expanding and recruiting giants at the same time. But I may be wrong.
My advise about ghost king shoul be interpritated: "What does your pretender do while giants are rushing your lands?" or "How did you plan to defend rushes when you've been designing your pretender?"
Thanks! I understand what you meant now. Sorry, I'm biased in favor of the Nemedians in Fomoria's early/mid game. Giants are just for blocking elephants. And eating arrows.
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