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Old February 3rd, 2010, 11:43 AM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: How turn Dominions from a niche game to an MMO

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
At the time of the discussions it wasnt a mass of small games that the need was felt for but large long-running games. So comparisons with the two main fan-based servers running now is useful info but isnt completely a fair comparison.
I don't follow it either. Are you saying the two main fan-based servers (yours and the llamaserver?) are for a mass of small games not for large long-running games?
While there are certainly small games on them, there are also plenty of large long-running games. I'm in one that started with all EA nations and started 6 months ago. All ages games have been hosted on the llamaserver, right? What qualifies as large and long-running and why is the distinction important for the server?
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