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Old February 3rd, 2010, 03:29 PM
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Default Re: MP Game: How bad is too bad?

Originally Posted by WingedDog View Post
Originally Posted by BigDaddy View Post
I'm picturing some beginner who took an expensive rainbow titan and got the feebleminded affliction. He feels like he sucks, and he sees how good everyone else is doing... and then you kick him out adding insult to injury... it could take him a while to see that getting feebleminded was catastrophic bad luck.
1) If it is a newb only\all are welcome game - nobody would even think of kicking him.

2) If it is no newbs\vets only game - what is he doing in it?
OK, so suppose it is a vet, who tried to use a rainbow titan with a nation he thought could take bad scales.

Suppose he's relieved that you're done with him and he snickers, knowing how up a creek his nation is.

Anyway, I'd say that whoever set the game up should try and communicate with the player, say, whose home province got attacked by heroes on the fifth turn.

Once you can tell if he's just not playing, he sucks, he's been unlucky, or maybe he tried out a new design that didn't turn out like he thought it would... you could further assess how hard core the game is, and whether intervention is necessary or if it would even help.
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