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Old February 3rd, 2010, 06:15 PM
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Default Re: How turn Dominions from a niche game to an MMO

Possibly. Especially in hindsight. But it might have become the one-stop shopper for Dom3 games. It appears that most of LLama's games come from this forum while most of mine come from usenet. And most of Mose's I believe came from a french gaming forum which had a very active dom3 community..

SEIV's fan-run server PBW was one of the main considerations and example at the time of the main debate. Not to mention a dozen or so other Shrapnel games. Most of the games on Shrapnel support internet or pbem play. And a number of them support mods.

As you say, an official server should be better and have more juice. That point is not necessarily a "pro" in the consideration.
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