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Old February 3rd, 2010, 08:32 PM

Illuminated One Illuminated One is offline
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Default Re: Diplomacy ethics

Originally Posted by Foodstamp
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I have a hard time letting a back stabber live long in the next game I play with them.

A guy broke a NAP with me once, and we met again the very next game I joined with me playing Pangaea and him playing Agartha. We bumped into each other around turn 6 both going for the same independent province. It was an accidental slaughter, but it led to me systematically following his province trail back to his capital and putting him out shortly after.
You know because of that reason I'm afraid of people who I backstabbed in another game, and make naps with everyone else so I can focus on the guy who must be coming after me now, and then when I find out he isn't and my ally is becoming to strong I have to backstab him. It's a vicious circle.

As a side note while I do not like artificially enforced diplomacy I'd love if there where some games that enforce some cooler diplo then trying to fight on the most uneven terms.
In reality alliances would not be completely random, but determined by economic and social facts. Like a power would automatically have an interest to protect a military weak country it is trading with or Christians will stick together (to some extent) against Muslims and vice versa.
But since all your income is just transfered to your treasury and equally and randomly dispersed and everyone is a heretic...
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