A lot of undead lack the "poor amphibian" trait, i.e. banes, mummies, behemoths etc. How do I bring them to wreak havoc underseas? Common water-breathing items like barrel of air and sea king's goblet? Makes no sense.
And while we're on that: water-breathing capacity is defined by item UW divided by unit sz? The descriptions like "50 men or 25 giants" and "75 soldiers or 50 horsemen" are pretty vague for a hydra or something

So I assume a goblet can only sustain 20 niefel giants with their size 5, not 25? How about a commander, is he included in total number, sustained out of count or needs a personal uw item for himself?
Finally, how much of a penalty a unit granted waterbreathing actually suffers underwater? As poor amphi (not that I know exact numbers for it) or even worse? I contemplate sending a couple of goblet and barrel-enabled niefel giant task forces to clear out the neighbouring seas of atlanteans and aboleths, but I wonder if they'll end up raped by a couple of tritons.