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Old February 4th, 2010, 07:22 PM
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Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Default Re: Mod Recommendations

I also play mostly solo and I have for years. I dont play with cbm since I find the balance it provides to be player oriented. I will post my favorites but some of them are specifically for adding variation to a game I grew too familiar with so I wouldnt necessarily suggest that you try them all now.

My favorite mods to play with are:
Streamers and Standards (changes the nation flags just because I got bored with the old ones)
Worthy Heroes (adds more heroes to most nations)
Epic Heroes (and yet more heroes)
Mytheology (adds many very interesting pretenders for playing and the AI)
Magic Site Mod (more variety in magic sites)
SingleAge (play with ALL nations at one time)
AI_Opponent_Balance mod (as it says, an effort to improve the AI)
Compressed Nations (puts 11 different very interesting modded nations into one mod)

SoundPack (changes some of the more irritating sound files such as screams and elephants)
SemiRandom (a program that throws designed provinces and/or AI gods onto a map)
Antilarium (Map&Mod combo)
LargeTower_01 map (400 provinces, designed for many players but only two can front you at a time, changes early and mid game play, and limits micromanagement in many ways)
MegaMap (1500 provinces with 3 connected continents and 3 seperated oceans, suitable for using SingleAge and adding many modded nations for up to 90 nations which technically makes that a middle-sized game)

At extreme levels there is:
Chaos Mod (randomizes features of units in the game just to bring back the "learn and use" feeling of when the game was new)
Chaos Games (can be played on, in solo mode if you wish, which makes random additions to each province on a random map for the surprise effect)
SemiRandom can also be tried in solo games on

Hmmm thats all I can think of at the moment altho Im sure there are others Im forgetting. Its kindof hard to find the stuff for solo or AI on this forum.
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