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Old February 6th, 2010, 01:26 PM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]

Hey, what have we done to you? Other than poach on your conquest of R'lyeh, I suppose, but the seas are ours by right.

We are very disappointed with the performance of our troops in storming castle and are revising our tactics. Again. (OOC-Very good battles in both castles, LoloMo. I'm still not sure how I can counter, though I've got a few ideas. )

With most of the world attacking us and the seas closed, we are hardly the preeminent threat we are painted as. Still, if we are to fall, we will drag our enemies down with us.

OOC: I'll keep an eye on the server and try not to let it host. Someone's generally wanted an extension these last few turns anyway. And I've often been grateful for it.
This game has been a lot of fun, but I'm never getting involved in anything this size again. The turns are eating up my life and getting to be too much like work.
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