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Old February 8th, 2010, 09:00 PM
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Default Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)

Originally Posted by kianduatha View Post
Yeah, it actually did vanish into thin air. I went to siege Oceania's castle, and that isn't good enough to keep alive apparently.

I did achieve my end goal, though, making sure that Arcosephale didn't actually profit at all from attacking me. Nice job on the double cross, by the way. It probably would've been worth your while to make me into a protectorate instead of straight out conquering. That way you could've gotten my (fairly massive) gem reserves. Now you'll have to guess who got them!
Just playing keep up. There's some big, heavy hitters in this game, and if I wanted to keep up with them, I needed land, money, gems and castles. Making you a protectorate would not have achieved that. There was no malice in my actions. Your lands were lightly defended, and you were at war on a different front.
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