Originally Posted by thejeff
The difference is the staler isn't playing.
Sure, I understand that. It's why I wouldn't kick someone for skill level but would for staling. But consider these two responses.
Originally Posted by Nasser
Its still very fun to crush them with your mighty armies and plunder all of their ill defended provinces.
Can you crush a staling position and plunder their ill defended provinces? Yep.
Originally Posted by Torin
I think thats there is a big difference between being a bad player and stall without notice.
The latter is something that ruins games ... Hes neghbours then get an unfair advantage.
Guy who doesn't expand out of his capital - ruins the game? As much as a staler does, sure. Neighbours get an unfair advantage? Yep.
So functionally, very little difference, if any, at least in those examples.